Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Slowly, slowly getting the guts to share this blog.....

So I started this blog about a year and a half ago, for all these reasons. And then I told no one (except my husband). Never intended to tell anyone. If people happened upon this blog and for some reason found it interesting, I was fine with that, but my intention was never to have it be anything more than my original reasons for starting it. It just felt too personal.

Those origonal reasons still stand, but I'm becoming more open to the idea of family and friends, or whomever reading this blog if they so desire.

Chris and I have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support we've received from family and friends since sharing our news of triplets. People all over are praying for these babies, wishing them well, offering supplies, sending diapers, giving advice and cooking yummy meals for us. My dad has started coming Tuesday through Friday (from Michigan!) to play with Colin and basically make my life easier in any way he can. My mother in law has also come in to help. Like I say, it's overwhelming and humbling. It's hard to accept help but the truth is, we can't do this alone. I can't express how appreciative we are. So in that light, I want to offer people the opportunity to follow the pregnancy and the babies development once they arrive, if they want.

And there's another reason to share this blog. It has to do with the fact that before I had my son, I barely had an understanding of what a blog even was. I never read any blogs, let alone considered writing one myself! But then somehow I stumbled onto a mommy blog, and then another and another. I loved- and still love- reading blogs written by other moms and hearing about the daily triumphs, tribulations and laughable moments that come from parenting. It makes me feel less alone. Some even make me laugh out loud.

Then when we struggled to get pregnant I appreciated those woman who had the courage to so honestly blog about their own experiences with infertility and miscarriage. It made me feel less alone and some gave me hope. And then I thought, maybe our story could help others feel less alone, even hopeful.

I thought another mommy blogger put it best when she said something like, "when parenting young children, there's hardly any time to read actual novels or long magazine articles.... a blog entry is the perfect length to read in between diaper changes, while nursing or during that brief moment of peace and quiet." I couldn't agree more!

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