Monday, February 28, 2011

30 weeks, 1 day

Still pregnant! 
That's the good news, very good news!!

The bad news is that I'm missing my son so bad sometimes it just completely overwhelms me no matter how hard I try to be positive. It's like the worst case of homesickness imaginable. Homesick for him.

He comes each day to visit but it's not the same 
What I really miss are all the little moments throughout the day that all add up to getting to be his mom 

I chose to be a stay at home mom because I wanted to be around for all those little moments during his day- helping him to get dressed in the morning, fixing his breakfast, helping him down the stairs, hearing his attempt at new words which blossom every day, helping him to navigate his budding desire for independence, napping with him, driving him to his activities, waiting with him at the front door for daddy to arrive, and laughing at all his little antics. Between his dynamic little play skills and new words emerging each day, I'm often taken off guard and frequently laughing out loud.

Of course it's also the day in day out "work" of motherhood that can get so tiring. But right about now, I'd take any tantrum filled, sleep deprived, grey hair inducing, exhausting mommy day happily. 

Colin, on the other hand, is doing pretty well. He's getting SO MUCH love from his grandparents, aunts and uncles. And Chris is working overtime to help keep Colin's routine as consistent as possible while also taking care of me (and working full time). 

I keep trying to look ahead and remember that this is only temporary. It's what needs to happen to help bring our other three children into this world with the best advantage. 

I love to picture our family hanging out on our deck this summer, Chris and I and our four little, healthy, happy boys. 

All of us together.

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