Monday, September 9, 2013

What a difference a year makes

I just read this post, written almost exactly one year ago. 

Last year Colin was very nervous about starting school. This year he was SO excited about school starting. He kept asking when his first day would be!

This morning Chris made chocolate chip pancakes for a special treat, although we probably should have taken school pictures before eating, because the warm melty chocolate chips got all over the boys, including Colin who had to pick out a new shirt before leaving!

We did manage to take some pictures on the front step.

Just as we were leaving, Colin asked if he could carry a picture of me, in his pocket in case he missed me. This was something that his teacher had recommended the previous year and it had really helped Colin on the first day.

I ran back in the house and flew up the stairs scrambling to find a picture!! Luckily I found one of our whole family. When I gave it to him he gently folded it and slid it into his pocket. 

My sweet boy. 

There were no tears when I said goodbye on the playground with his class. As I walked away I turned back a few times just to make sure he was okay. He wasn't even looking my direction. He was too busy telling his teacher stuff and running around with friends.

What a difference a year makes!

I'm so grateful that he's excited about school and I hope and pray he has a wonderful year of learning and friendships!

1 comment:

Nurseries in dubai said...

It is very wonderful and informative post for kids, my twins really like the post. Thanks for the posting...:)