Thursday, April 26, 2012

Presents, seen and unseen

Here are the last of the birthday pictures!

As promised, Colin fulfilled his brotherly duties and helped the babies tear through presents at lightning speed. We keep having to remind him... slow down.... say "thank you"..... even for clothes :)  

Yup, wearin' my Oprah jacket. 

One of our favorite gifts came from Chris's brother Joe and wife Daniela. Notre Dame hats for all the boys! You should have seen the smile on my husbands face (Chris went there, two of his siblings went there and his Father is a professor there). Seeing those hats on them for some reason made me suddenly picture future fall days, tailgating Notre Dame football games with our boys. How fun!

They gotta grow into them just a bit... but by the time we're ready to brave a tailgate with our little men, they'll be ready!

When looked through these pictures I also thought about all the unseen presents these boys have received from so many people, so many of YOU. You know who you are. You prayed with me, sent monthly diapers from the moment we announced, "triplets!", helped care for me when I was huge and bedridden, visited me in the hospital, prayed for my babies when I went into early labor, held them when they arrived, gave meal gift cards for us to use during long days in the nicu, jumped in to change a diaper without missing a beat, brought us a meal, threw me a baby shower long distance, gave Colin extra love and attention, sent us more prayers, met me for wine whenever, wherever, and basically showed up, just when we needed you most. YOU, are each role models for what it means to do for others and I've learned from each one of you. We are better for your example in our lives.

In the past I've always preferred to be on the helping side of things, rather than receiving. Accepting help was a hard thing at first because I felt bad that people were going out of their way, taking time away from their own busy lives, to help us. But I've learned that letting others help you is also an important part of the human experience. Hopefully, it makes us better at helping others.

Today, Colin and I made and delivered a chicken casserole to a women who'd recently had baby from our church. It was such a blessing to be able to do that for someone else because I know now, on a deeper level, what it feels like to be on the receiving end of gestures like that. To have your load lightened... even just a little bit... when it feels heavy. This past year, we were able to feel what it's like to be truly lifted up by people, surrounded by encouragement and love, when we really needed it. 

Our boys felt it too and are better for it. 

Thank you.

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