Monday, March 21, 2011

33 weeks!

Trips, you made it another week! I can tell that you're growing too, because this belly I thought could not feel any bigger or heavier, just keeps getting bigger and heavier.

It was so good to be home this week. Every morning I woke up to my husband and son next to me in bed, got to kiss my husband goodbye before he left for work, ate breakfast with Colin on a makeshift table in our bedroom, and didn't have a stream of doctors and nurses coming in to check on me. It was peaceful and relaxing.

Chicago temperatures hit the mid 50's this week and it felt like the first taste of spring. I even saw our crocuses peaking out of the soil in the front garden. On days that I felt good, I walked downstairs and sat out on the front porch watching Colin and my Dad do yard work together. One day it was so nice (and obviously I have nothing else on my the agenda) that I literally sat out there for hours just watching c play, talking with my dad, watching people pass by, and enjoying the sun. When was the last time I slowed down enough to do that?  

Physically, this pregnancy is getting harder and harder. I hadn't a clue how a triplet pregnancy could at times feel so darn heavy and uncomfortable (not to mention the roller coaster of contractions that come and go). But during those moments I try and remind myself that my only "to do" for the day is just to carry these boys one more day. Breaking it down into hours and days makes it seem much more manageable. 

One of my favorite times of the day is just before bed when I take a shower. I get out my awesome shower chair, turn on Nora Jones which I swear the babies also love, and let the hot water just run and run and run. It's just my me and my babies and I think, "We made it through another day". 

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