Wednesday, September 9, 2015

First Day of School and What We've Been Up To This Summer

Well hello there! That summer sure went fast, did it not?

Yesterday was Colin's first day of school. He's in first grade this year!

Starting off on the right foot, I accidentally set the alarm for 7:30 P.M instead of A.M. Luckily Chris set his alarm too (for the right time) and our kids rarely all sleep past that time anyway. So.... mini crisis averted. Off to a good start!

We took a few obligatory pictures on the front step before send off:

I realized just now, that Colin wore the same shirt on the last day of kindergarten, as he's wearing in these pictures for the first day of first grade. He LOVES his solar system shirt! My little science guy :)

I'm happy to report that Colin had a great first day! And a great second day today! I'm hopeful and praying that this year will be another amazing year of growth for him!

The triplets start preschool next week. THE TRIPLETS START PRESCHOOL NEXT WEEK!!! I can't believe that! People keep saying, "How nice that you'll have a break now!" but really preschool is just two hours, a few times a week so it's not really much of a break (but who's counting, haha). Still! It's an exciting new step for them!

And as for where I've been this summer? Well, if you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed that in June we bought a camper! And if you know me in real life too, I've probably already way over talked about this camper/ camping/ getting out of the house to travel finally...... so, sorry! Feel free to skip these next few (or twenty), paragraphs about camping. :)

But really, this summer was so great for our family! Mostly because (drum roll please)- we actually went on trips! Camping! Out of the house! A LOT! FREEDOM!!!!! Let's back up, for the past six or so years, it seems as though we've been stuck at home with babies (I'm being a little dramatic.... a little). Around here it's been baby, babies and more baby. And a part of me has longed for the day when we could more easily take trips again, have adventures, and basically leave the house without a small store of baby gear!

This was that summer folks! We have turned a corner, at least in one respect. And that is being able to more easily travel again.

Finding the right camper and then actually pulling the trigger to buy it was a huge step for our family, in part because we also had to find a towing vehicle (sadly our mini van would not tow the camper) and it was somewhat a leap of faith, hoping and praying that camping worked out for us and wasn't a disaster. We did try tent camping- for one night- and enjoyed that last summer.

The best part (for me at least) is that this camper has plenty of room for all of us and then some (hint hint, family and friends, come camping with us!!). Specifically, the back bunk room has a double slide out and can sleep 7 very comfortably! So that's the boys room and when I think of them growing up and laying in their bunks after a long day of hiking, fishing, swimming and exploring.... talking about the fish they caught or the camping adventures they've had, laughing and being silly, well, it seriously brings tears to my eyes.


Chris, on a few occasions, usually around the campfire, has caught me spacing off and tearing up and and wondered out loud, "Are you seriously crying about the camper?!". Yes, yes I am. I'm a sensitive mama and I am really happy about this camper! Not the camper per se, but the joy, closeness and adventure I hope that it brings the boys and our family for years to come.

So far, the best part of camping has been watching the boys excitement over everything from exploring a new area of Michigan, to finding a great fishing hole, to sitting around a fire enjoying s'mores and making memories together. HOWEVER, I must admit that camping with small children, even with the amenities of a good size camper, is A LOT OF WORK. More work than I imagined. Oh my goodness is it ever! I've come to the conclusion that camping as a kid is very different than camping as a parent! The kids have a blast, the parents work their butts off. I'm hoping that over time, as the kids get older, they can help more and it won't feel like so much effort. :)

Here are some pictures from camping this summer:

My view while prepping dinner. :)

My two blondies
I'm always in awe of how crystal clear "Up North" Lake Michigan water is. So beautiful!
Silver Lake


Kathryn said...

So, Owen isn't a baby--he's a boy! How-when-how did all this happen? And God bless you for going camping. I'm too much of a cream puff--I can barely last one night! Maybe someday we'll find ourselves out your way and meet up (or, come to upstate NY--great camping here!)

Jessica said...

I know, Owen is getting so big! I think you would love camping! We'll sit by the fire with our beer, listen to "I'm a Barbie Girl....." and reminisce about our glory days :-)