Friday, May 8, 2015

There's a Lego in My Coffee

Something happens to my sweet children around 4-5 pm. They become crazed wild men who cannot be tamed. Picture: high decibels, racing around the house, wrestling and tackling each other, which then often turns into real fighting, and just generally getting into trouble. This is often when I try and put on a t.v. show so that maybe I can put away some toys or prep dinner, but sometimes even a show doesn't work.

Today around that golden hour, Owen decided to open a bag of chips and dump them all over the kitchen floor. Then, he decided to pour out a very large container of small beads (beads are much harder to clean up than chips.) Picture me in slow motion pleading, "nooooooooooo" while lunging across the kitchen toward the beads, which were already going everywhere. EVERYWHERE. There was no stopping the damage.

And FYI, Owen thought the whole spectacle was pretty hilarious.

So I did the only thing I could do, I made a pot of coffee, poured myself a cup and then sent as many children as possible outside so that I could catch my breath again.

Then, and I kid you not, I found a Lego in my coffee. A LEGO, people. IN my coffee.

However, soon after the lego in my coffee incident, suddenly, and without warning, all of the children were happily occupied. It was, dare I say.... quiet and serene.

So here I am, venting blogging, sitting on the back deck, enjoying the warm breeze, and this is my view:

Colin, Finn and Everett are quietly beading.

Owen is for the moment, happily playing by the sandbox.

And Carter, is asleep on the couch.


Deep Breath......... 


Feel the breeze and the beautiful warm air....... 

Remember that Chris will be home shortly.....




No doubt things will get crazytown again, but not in this moment. Not right now.

I hope that you too, find little moments to catch your breath, amongst all the busy, and enjoy your weekend!

Thank God for beads! They can make a huge mess (if a certain toddler spills them), but they also keep kids happy and occupied!

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