Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Chicago Marathon 2012

They did it!

Sunday was a beautiful day to run a marathon! Not that I ran one.... but I watched my brothers Kyle and Gavin complete their first.

The weather was crisp and sunny. 

We got to see them at four different spots; mile 8, mile 14, mile 16 and mile 25.

My favorite spot was mile 14 at the designated team myeloma cheering section. Everyone there had been affected by myeloma in some way and many had loved ones who were running for similar reasons as my brothers. 

By the way, Kyle and Gavin raised almost 8,000 dollars, well past their original goal! To everyone who helped make this happen, thank you!! It feels good to know that so much money was raised but also that so many people care.

After the race, we all went out for breakfast and then headed our separate ways. 

It was such a special day.

****Huge thank you to my in laws who watched our under- the- weather triplets while we were in Chicago.


Karen said...

So awesome. THanks for sharing! I love how they had big ol' smiles on their faces in all the pictures. We were at mile 9 cheering them on :)

Jessica said...

Thanks Karen! I'm so sad that we were so close (mile 8) yet didn't see you guys! It was a whirlwind weekend.... very special!
