Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pictures from our week with Mom-mom and Pop-pop

Like I said, it was a really wonderful week. My boys had a lot of wonderful adventures even though, with the exception of a play date at my friend's house we never ventured further than the neighbors yard.

One night after the babies went to bed, my parents and I sat on the front porch just as the sun was beginning its descent. We ate pasta with spinach and peas and watched Colin run through the sprinklers. Well actually, according to Colin, the game was to try and avoid getting wet as you run through. 

He wooed us all in to give it a try ourselves.

It was the best.


The babies got great cuddle time with my mom, who is recovering from back surgery.

These days they are usually on the move and don't want to slow down for anything!

But they did for her.
She can't lift or play with them down on the floor but just look at how content his face says he is in her arms.

Previous to our visit all Colin and Pop-pop could talk about on the phone was how they were going to wash Pop-pop's car. Colin could not wait and the experience didn't disappoint. 

Not sure what the dialog between them was here but I love the enthusiasm. 

We also took the boys swimming in the neighbors pool. I remember last year how cautious Colin was in this same pool... but this year it was like he had no fear! He's all about doing things "All by myself!" these days and swimming proved to be no different. 

Although he still wanted mama close by :)

 Me and my boys.

 And our entourage.
Two of the neighbor girls helped me with the boys. They were sooooo wonderful to my boys! Can you imagine taking triplets and a 3 year old swimming by yourself? Wasn't going to happen for me!

Driving home I asked Colin what his favorite part of the week was and he said that it was driving through the car wash with Pop-pop and seeing the big brushes. Then he said, 

"Maybe next time you can come with us Mommy"

I'll look forward to that.

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