Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Lately, life has been extra busy and my blogging has lagged! It's been an unexpectedly busy week for our family and we made some big decisions which I can't wait to share details about soon as I can...

In the meantime, in other news.... this is what's been going on:

Everett is taking steps! 

He still prefers crawling (which is fine with us!) but slowly and steadily he's been walking more. 

And big brother Colin is there to catch him when he stumbles. Wait, is he catching him or tackling him??... hard to tell in this picture :)


We also got new booster seats.

I LOVE them!

Previously we'd been using some ikea highchairs that were fine... but truthfully these are working WAY better for us. Anything that makes our everyday activities, such as mealtime, even the slightest bit easier, overall makes a huge difference in our day. 

Yup, I used to get all jazzed about things like a new restaurant opening... now it's getting new booster seats!

I got these from a fellow triplet mom who lives out in the suburbs. We've never met but through a series of coordinated exchanges (I contacted my friend who works in the burbs to see if she'd bring them back to the city for me, the triplet mom contacted her and after a series of texts, dropped off the seats one afternoon at my friends work who then delivered them to me). Operation new booster seats started because I'm part of an area online triplet group. This group exists for the sole purpose of supporting each other through this unique and sometimes challenging journey. I've been SO grateful to have a group of moms to turn to with questions and to respond to when someone says something like, "Hey, I've got two booster seats left at our house that my kids aren't using anymore. Anyone want them?"

We do!!

I like the two that we now have so much that I'm going to be on the hunt for a third... I hope I can find the same make and color. But even as I type that I'm thinking really, who's kidding who... nothing in my house really matches anymore.... it's all a big mishmash of toys, strollers, and baby gear!

If you somehow found this blog because you are expecting triplets (or any multiples for that matter), I hope you can seek out and find a local group, whether online or in person, to reach out to for support.... and second hand items! It has made such a difference to us.

 Don't you just love baby feet sticking out from under a highchair?

This is what our living room/dining room looks like around meal time. And because people have asked how I feed them, I take a big bowl of baby food, one spoon and go down the line, mouth to mouth. Early on I tried using three separate spoons until I realized that they pretty much share all germs anyway and it's was a lot more efficient to use one spoon and quickly go mouth to mouth. 


Colin and Chris have been busy doing yard work with all this warm weather we've been having. This is our cute little city front yard. Doesn't take long to mow! Colin tends to it well though. He's way into mowing it, pulling any weeds that he spots, and racking it. I can't wait to see if his love of "working" continues as he gets older!


Lastly, tomorrow is Chris's birthday! I have a little something special planned.... shhhhhh....

1 comment:

Amy said...

I can't wait to hear what you big news is. I really hope it's not moving out of state. And please tell Chris I said happy birthday. I hope he enjoys your surprise.

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