Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Dear little c- I had just the best mother's day with you and daddy. Thank you for making it so special. As you know (at least on some level must know), daddy and I have been working SO hard to get the upstairs done (especially daddy). In many ways it has become all consuming and some days I feel like living in a construction zone just stinks!!!! Sometimes it makes me crabby. So when Daddy said that he had a whole day planned for us to spend together on Mother's day, for a second I thought, "well, we don't have time for fun! We should be working on the house!"...... But Daddy convinced me and off we went out together as a family for THE WHOLE DAY! And we didn't even talk about the house to- do list once!

Oh colin, you were so cute in the outfit you wore with your hair combed over to the side. You are looking less like a baby and more like a handsome little man. My man. For now at least. You are truly the apple of my eye. No matter what stress is happening in our lives, you are a constant reminder of what is really important (love) and that miracles really happen.

Here's what we did on our special day (Daddy made each part a surprise):

Brunch at Park Grill at millennium park. They were giving away free mimosa's for all the mommies. I'm usually not a mimosa kind of person but I thought, what the heck! You ate grilled cheese, fruit and strawberry orange juice.

The Aquarium. We'd never been there before and so we went. Even though we had to wait in line for a while, you still stayed awake and true to your nature took in all there was to see at the aquarium. We wondered what you were thinking as you watched all the fish. You'd stare and smile and point and look to daddy and I to share the moments. For us, there's nothing better than watching you learn and enjoy life.

As soon as we got in the car, you fell asleep. And so Daddy and I made a split second decision to stop at one of our old stomping grounds, Rose Angelis. It's where we had one of our first dates and also where I once ate so much I threw up! Yes, the food is THAT good. You slept in your car seat all through dinner which gave Daddy and I some special time. And we didn't even talk about home renovations! We mostly talked about you and where we see ourselves in 5 years. Suburbs or city?

It was a perfect day. I'm so incredibly thankful that you have your daddy as a role model for how to treat a woman. But really, it's not only me that he treats well. He treats everyone with respect and kindness and always makes me feel especially loved and appreciated.

Sometimes in the craziness of day to day living I find myself getting stressed just thinking about all that needs to get done- assignments for school, renovations, laundry, dinner, renovations, etc etc.

But on Mother's day, while we gallivanted the city without a care, one phrase kept going through my mind over an over: "We're a family". It seems like such a basic fact, but really it's extraordinary. Not 5 years ago I was single, then it was your Dad and I, and then you came along and we became a family

The three of us

"We're a family"

I like the sound of that

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