Sunday, November 17, 2013

One month of Gratitude, Day 10,11,12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

Oops, I fell a little behind! :-)

Okay, a lot behind! But I have lots to be grateful for on this rainy Sunday. 

10: I'm grateful that we had a safe (and quiet!) trip home from my parents house where we discovered that swimming helps the boys sleep awesome! We had such a wonderful time. Chris stayed home to get stuff done around the house and so I traveled alone with my five little men. I am so grateful that the trips there and home were completely uneventful. Owen slept the whole way both trips and the other boys napped and watched T.V.... which brings me to #11.

11. I'm grateful for T.V's in cars!! Oh car T.V, where would we be without you??

12. I'm grateful for capable and kind doctors. I've been thinking a lot lately about doctors and the ones that have made such an impact on our lives. The past few months have been on a journey to figuring out Everett's allergies and how they might be impacting him. The most widely referred allergy center in our area simply wanted to medicate him and didn't give us the answers we were seeking. We weren't sure where to turn but now I feel we've *finally* found a doctor who has figured out his underlying allergies and food intolerances. There are A LOT of allergies and A LOT of intolerances. But now we know and as they say, knowledge is power. While the road ahead feels a bit daunting, we are beyond grateful to finally know what's going on with him. 

13. I'm grateful for a night out with Chris on Friday night! We were only gone for two hours but those two hours were wonderful!!!

14. I'm grateful for story time with the boys. Reading to the boys before bed doesn't always go smoothly but when it does, it's heaven. Man do I love those boys.

15. I'm grateful for the church that we recently found. We've been searching for the right church for our family for a long time and I think we may have just found it.

16. I'm grateful for my work. Going back to work, one day a week, has been a very positive experience. I love the work I do and the families I get to work with. They inspire me every Wednesday. 

17. I'm grateful that my Dad continues to be in complete remission!!!!! That doesn't mean he gets to stop chemo but it does mean that the treatment continues to be effective. My Dad goes to Iowa about every three months for his cancer check-up. I'm always on pins and needles the week of his testing and results. This time I got the text while on our way home from the Grand Rapids Children's Museum. I was driving so I barely glanced at my phone, only to see the words, "complete remission" and "PTL"(praise the Lord) jump out at me. Every time I see those words, my body literally relaxes and I exhale. Sometimes I don't even realize how tense I am until the news comes in and I feel myself breath a little deeper. 

A few pictures from our week:

Owen got a jumper and the boys have a hard time not pushing him or helping him jump in it! You can see it in Carter's face, he's ready to give a push!

The Grand Rapids Children's Museum was awesome! I was so impressed. There is a whole section for construction play. I think my boys could have stayed in that area all day!

Owen finally got a lovie of his own!! All of my boys have their own lovies from Angel Dear. Colin has giraffes, Carter has puppies, Finn has a lion and a cow, and Everett has monkeys. Now Owen has bears. I just love these sweet little blankies and will keep them forever even when my boys outgrow them.

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